
Unfortunately, this is a known issue with the late 2016 MacBook Pros with Touch Bar. We will release an update with a fix soon, but in the meantime, here's a workaround.

If this doesn't help, feel free to contact support@mizage.com


  1. Quit Divvy.
  2. Launch Terminal.app, paste this command and press enter:
    defaults write -app Divvy NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO
  3. Restart Divvy.
  4. To test if this worked, put your Mac to sleep, then wake it up again.


  1. Quit Padlock.
  2. Launch Terminal.app, paste this command and press enter:
    defaults write -app Padlock NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO
  3. Restart Padlock.
  4. To test if this worked, put your Mac to sleep, then wake it up again.


  1. Quit Shush.
  2. Launch Terminal.app, paste this command and press enter:
    defaults write -app Shush NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO
  3. Restart Shush.
  4. To test if this worked, put your Mac to sleep, then wake it up again.