Unfortunately, this is a known issue with the late 2016 MacBook Pros with Touch Bar. We will release an update with a fix soon, but in the meantime, here's a workaround.
If this doesn't help, feel free to contact support@mizage.com
- Quit Divvy.
- Launch Terminal.app, paste this command and press enter:
defaults write -app Divvy NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO
- Restart Divvy.
- To test if this worked, put your Mac to sleep, then wake it up again.
- Quit Padlock.
- Launch Terminal.app, paste this command and press enter:
defaults write -app Padlock NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO
- Restart Padlock.
- To test if this worked, put your Mac to sleep, then wake it up again.
- Quit Shush.
- Launch Terminal.app, paste this command and press enter:
defaults write -app Shush NSFunctionBarAPIEnabled -bool NO
- Restart Shush.
- To test if this worked, put your Mac to sleep, then wake it up again.